I’m a simple guy. I like things simple.
I work in complex environments. I fix broken companies. I help companies grow. In determining best practices, there is simplicity in the complex.
Make stuff, sell stuff. It can really be that simple. Why do things go wrong?
People, and therefore, Companies get mired in processes that do not produce positive results. No matter what your position in a company, ask yourself daily. “Are my actions getting me the results I am looking for”?
Too many times I see management implementing processes that do not achieve the outcome desired. If you need to drive sales (and who doesn’t) are your processes, systems, data and compensation driving the results you want? People do what they get measured and paid for. Many times what they get measured on is not what they get paid for. Therefore the outcomes for each scenario will not generate the results desired. I see this in big companies, and in small. Why? In each scenario, nobody is actively communicating. Sales staff articulate their concerns, middle management is stuck in between, Sr. management is demanding sales, yet adding layers of processes to each segment that doesn’t achieve growth. But everyone is very busy. Very busy and very frustrated.