Cliff Notes for your Pitch

90% of the investment requests I see are flawed, especially early stage. Here are some simple things to note when seeking capital.
1) Need to fund PP&E (property, plant or equipment)? Use Debt. Equity wont work. Need $10M to prove proof of concept? Then your investor will likely only be a strategic, and you best understand and covey a viable value proposition that fits their business model. 
2) Understand your audience. Most Funds have a 10 year life cycle to deploy capital, grow the investment and exit the investment. If you cannot fit this model, adjust YOUR business plan.
3) Investors are money managers. They are not there to “help” you or fix your plan/business model. They are a fiduciary to others. If they offer advice, LISTEN to it. 
4) Speak the language of BUSINESS. If they can’t understand your product, business model, market and opportunity in one page or less, fix it.
5) You need a TEAM. One person with a great idea or IP, does not a company make.

Your "story" and your Proforma must show that you know how to launch, grow and exit in a defined period of time. 

If you take investment, your job is now to provide a return on that investment. If you don't agree with this statement, that is OK. Just don't expect an investment.