I always liked the term opportunistic. I have started multiple companies, because I noticed an opportunity within a defined market that I believed I could exploit.
Twenty (plus) years ago, there was less data and I relied more on tribal knowledge. Yet, I always did my due diligence. Admittedly, I relied more on tribal knowledge. In other words, I trusted my gut instincts.
I have learned many lessons over the last two+ decades. I have made mistakes. Ironically, I made the mistakes with my own money, and never for a client or an employer.
Growth doesn't just happen. It doesn't matter if it is organic, accretive or innovative. Growth must be tactical and strategic.
I still trust my instincts, but I back it up with lots of data now that fit into the actionable strategic plan, which results in predictable financial models. Lessons learned.
We are currently in uncertain times. Likely ripe with new opportunities. While many are expounding doom and gloom, I am sure that there will be a few of us that will see new opportunities, new needs to be fulfilled, challenges to be faced and overcome.